The Bird

The Bird suspicious of me
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With it's size, larger than the usual pigeon or sparrow-like bird in the park, it clearly looked like it did not belong there. Call me a wuss but I was scared to walk past it. I didn't know what its reaction towards me would be.
It stopped eating to looked at me. I suppose, when it determined I wouldn't approach it, it continued to peck at the ground. The bird was very skittish and kept raising it's head to watch what I was doing. It was nervous and so was I.
However, I wasn't too nervous to pull out my camera and take some photos. I would have liked to get some close ups but I was too scared. As a result, I clicked away from a safe distance.
I took a few more moments to watch the bird and then I moved on. Of course, the bird was nowhere to be found the next day when I passed by.
I wonder what happened to it.
Can anyone tell me what kind of bird this is? Sort of looks like a turkey? What do you think?

The Bird eating
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The Bird walking away from me
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These are the normal type birds in the park -- pigeons!
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Paz, I think your city-slicker wild turkey should get together with my country-bumpkin wild turkey. Ah, the sweet gobble-gobbles they'd make together!
I've never had a wild turkey actually wander through my yard until this past weekend. Though--last November,as he drove to work, DH would see one every morning outside an antique shop up the street. The owner took to feeding him, and so the bird returned. Two days prior to Thanksgiving, the much plumper turkey disappeared.
Personally, I suspect fowl play.
(I know, I know, BIG GROAN, but I couldn't resist. BTW, true story.)
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