Season Greetings!

Butter Pecan Cookies
For the recipe, visit Between the Sheets
Peace, love, hope and joy,
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Paz Edwards, Erotic Romance Author
~Passion is the real zest of life!~
Ahh! You put those evil cookies up here too! Evil Paz! Evil!
Paz, I assume since you aren't blogging that means you're writing, right? I HOPE that means you're writing because I need to read something else of yours. LOL.
LOL! Hi Nicole!
Hi Liz: Writing? Uh... Yeah, that's it. Writing... I've been writing. LOL! Seriously I have been writing but I've also been interrupted several times. However I'm working on several writing projects -- one which includes a possible freebie story for the blog. I also have some news to report, which I'll hopefully announce soon. Thanks for stopping by.
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