Recommended Recent Good Reads

Entangled by Kathleen Dante (Paperback/

Enticed by Kathleen Dante (Paperback/

Fantasy Knights by Marilyn Lee (Liquid Silver)

Kiss of the Wolf by Morgan Hawke (Paperback/

Kyriakis Curse by Eve Vaughn (Loose Id)

Rock Star by Roslyn Hardy Holcomb (Paperback/

Summer Storm by Marilyn Lee (Silk's Vault)

The Wild, Wild Mess: Atlanta by Jayha Leigh (Loose Id)
Labels: Recommended Recent Good Reads
Looks good, Paz! I'll have to check these out. I've only read Rock Star on this list. It was great. The others look interesting.
Hi Paz,
I haven't read any on your list either though I have Enticed by Kathleen Dante ordered. I'll look forward to it.
I really enjoyed Cheyenne McCray's rom suspense, Chosen Prey. I read that while I was on holiday.
So far, I've read 3 of these. Excellent books. I have so many on my TBR list. I need a vacation so I can do nothing but read. LOL!
I'm glad you're updating your blog. LOL. Congrats on the myspace page!
Now what I really want to know is - how's the writing coming? :)
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