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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Season Greetings!

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Butter Pecan Cookies
For the recipe, visit Between the Sheets

I wish everyone a happy, happy holiday season!

Peace, love, hope and joy,

Sunday, December 17, 2006

A Meme in Fours

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Author extraordinaire Lyric James has tagged me for this meme in fours. Here it goes. Thanks, Lyric!


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Four Jobs I've Had
1. Lawyer
2. Investigator
3. Mediator
4. Babysitter

Four Places I've Lived
1. Russia
2. Italy
3. Belgium
4. Africa

Four Favorite Foods
1. Plantain
2. Mango
3. Rice
4. Plantain

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Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over
1. The Sound of Music (1965)
2. It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
3. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
4. Coming to America (1988)
There's much more, of course. Others are mentioned on my web site.

Four TV Shows I Watch
1. Walker, Texas Ranger reruns
2. Law & Order series – Original, SVU, CI
3. The Closer
4. Avatar: The Last Air Bender

Four Places I've Visited
1. Italy
2. Spain
3. Greece
4. Egypt

Four Places I'd Like To Visit
1. Australia
2. Austria
3. Brazil
4. Portugal

Four Websites I Go To (almost) Daily
1. Marilyn Lee Yahoo Group
2. My blog
3. Food Blogs
4. Sexy Sheets

Four People I'm Tagging To Do This
1. Anyone
2. Who
3. Wants to
4. Participate!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

A Kiss Should be Sonorous...

Le Baiser (The Kiss) c. 1886
Auguste Rodin
Click on photo for larger image

A kiss should be sonorous. Its sound, light and prolonged, takes its rise between the tongue and the moist edge of the palate. It is produced by a movement of the tongue in the mouth and a displacement of the saliva provoked by suction.

A kiss given on the outside of the lips and accompanied with a sound like that made when calling a cat, gives no pleasure whatever. Such a kiss is meant for children, or the hands. The kiss I have described above, and, which belongs to copulation, provokes a delicious voluptuousness. It is for you to learn the difference.

~ The Perfumed Garden, translated into English by Sir Richard Burton, 1886