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Thursday, April 27, 2006

A Few Mediterranean Beaches

We first meet our Vacation Souvenir characters on a secluded Mediterranean beach. Here are a few photos of various Greek Island beaches. The photos are from Getty Images.


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Lava Beach, Santorini

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Myrtos Beach, Kefalonia

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Vilha Bay Beach, Rhodes

Monday, April 24, 2006

Mediterranean Island Photos

My story, Vacation Souvenir, takes place on a Mediterranean island. Here are a few photos of the Greek island Santorini. It's similar to where our story characters, Marco and Jenna, meet. The photos are from


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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Vacation Souvenir By Paz Edwards

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Plus-size Jenna McIntosh is on vacation, trying to soothe her broken heart after her boyfriend dumps her for a slimmer woman. She figures that all she needs is some fresh air and sunshine to help forget her troubles.

When Marco Romano’s boss insists that he take a vacation, he reluctantly goes and decides to make the most of his vacation.

Neither have plans to get together with another person but once they meet, a passionate desire explodes between them. They finally accept the attraction that runs between them and act on it.

But what happens when the holiday is over? Will they be able to walk away from each other and carry on with their lives as before?

A May 2006 release from Triskelion Publishing
Read an excerpt